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Notes to the Group’s Financial Statements

6 Other operating expenses
P&C insurance
EURm 2015 2014
IT costs -114 -101
Other staff costs -15 -15
Marketing expenses -38 -42
Depreciation and amortisation -9 -15
Rental expenses -45 -48
Change in deferred acquisition costs -5 -14
Direct insurance comissions -167 -171
Commissions on reinsurance ceded 14 14
Other -98 -111
P&C insurance, total -477 -502
Life insurance
EURm 2015 2014
IT costs -17 -14
Other staff costs -2 -2
Marketing expenses -4 -3
Depreciation and amortisation -2 -2
Rental expenses -4 -3
Direct insurance comissions -9 -10
Comissions of reinsurance assumed -1 -2
Commissions on reinsurance ceded 1 2
Other -38 -25
Life insurance, total -74 -60
Item Other for P&C and Life Insurance includes e.g. expenses related to communication, external services and other administrative expenses.
EURm 2015 2014
IT costs -1 -1
Marketing expenses -1 -1
Rental expenses -1 -1
Other -9 -9
Holding, total -12 -12
Item Other includes e.g. consultancy fees and rental and other administrative expenses.
Elimination items between segments 17 16
EURm 2015 2014
Group, total -545 -558