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Statement of cash flows, IFRS

Statement of cash flows, IFRS
EURm 2015 2014
Operating activities
Profit before taxes 1,888 1,759
Depreciation and amortisation 16 21
Unrealised gains and losses arising from valuation -170 -64
Realised gains and losses on investments -377 -280
Change in liabilities for insurance and investment contracts 550 874
Other adjustments -1,037 -661
Adjustments total -1,018 -110
Change (+/-) in assets of operating activities
Investments *) -201 389
Other assets 56 -146
Total -145 243
Change (+/-) in liabilities of operating activities
Financial liabilities -7 -6
Other liabilities -77 53
Paid taxes -318 -279
Total -401 -232
Net cash from operating activities 323 1,660
Investing activities
Investments in group and associated undertakings 591 391
Net investment in equipment and intangible assets -8 -15
Net cash from investing activities 582 377
Financing activities
Dividends paid -1,079 -913
Issue of debt securities 1,011 1,199
Repayments of debt securities in issue -931 -1,012
Net cash used in financing activities -999 -725
Total cash flows -93 1,311
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 2,074 785
Effects of exchange rate changes 15 -22
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 1,997 2,074
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -93 1,311
Additional information to the statement of cash flows: 2015 2014
Interest income received 427 538
Interest expense paid -115 -109
Dividend income received 93 102
*) Investments include investment property, financial assets and investments related to unit-linked insurance contracts.
The items of the statement of cash flows cannot be directly concluded from the balance sheets due to e.g. exchange rate differences, and acquisitions and disposals of subsidiaries during the period.
Cash and cash equivalents include cash at bank and in hand and short-term deposits (max. 3 months).
Note to the Group's statement of cash flows
Acquisitions in 2014
Suomi Mutual assigned its guaranteed interest group pension portfolio to Mandatum Life Insurance Company Ltd on 30 December, 2014. As a result, EURm 100 cash and cash equivalents were transferred.